Friday, January 16, 2009

The Beginning

So here's my first blog...
I created a blogspot back in Texas and never did anything with it. Mostly because I have nothing new and exciting going on. However, recent events cause me to write a little something.

Before I went to Texas, I had my tooth removed. The reasons for this come from an extensive explanation, so if you wanna know....ask me. Almost 2 weeks ago, I went for surgery part 2 of 4. The periodontist cut skin from the roof of my mouth and applied it to my gums. They also cut my frenim (the little skin thing that connects your bottom lip to your teeth). So I've been kinda miserable and in turn, I make everyone else miserable :) But it's getting better.

In about 2 weeks, I go in for surgery part 3 of 4. This time they will drill a hole into the bone where my tooth was! Then they'll insert a type of titanium rod thing. 6 months later....I get a fake tooth! Now I just have a tooth on a retainer..... I'm so cool.